Shipping  Information

What shipping methods are available?

Shipping is worldwide. Fedex, DHL and DTDC Express  deliver the goods safely at your address. Shipping charges only apply. You have to pay your own country’s taxes when the goods arrive at your place. So please exquire from your local offices once we provide you the tracking number.

How many days do you take to ship the goods?

Once you place your orders, processing takes place immediately. It takes 5 days to ship in India and 7 to 9 working days worldwide.

Orders and Returns

Can we return the products after we try them at home?

Yes, of course.We only accept returns within 7 days of purchase date. The customer will arrange for their own arrangements to ship the product back at our address .

The money gets transferred into your paypal account once we verify the date of return.


What you see you get. Our happy customers worldwide till now have not felt the need for returns. Rather , the products are quality checked so well by our team under strict supervision, that our customers come back for more. Rest assure !

If we are out of station, can someone else receive our products?

Yes. You have to make arrangements to make sure someone receives on  your behalf. You can also make a request via email to change the address  before the dispatch of the products.